Landscaping and Water Conservation

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Consultation has concluded

The environment is one of the critical community priorities. As the community reflects on the ongoing drought and future of water, the Park City Water Department is preparing to launch a landscaping rebate (Cash for Grass) pilot program in 2023, and the Planning Department is updating the Land Management Code to incorporate best landscaping and water conservation practices. We would love to hear your thoughts! Please take a few minutes to complete the Landscaping and Water Conservation Survey below before October 20, 2022.

The environment is one of the critical community priorities. As the community reflects on the ongoing drought and future of water, the Park City Water Department is preparing to launch a landscaping rebate (Cash for Grass) pilot program in 2023, and the Planning Department is updating the Land Management Code to incorporate best landscaping and water conservation practices. We would love to hear your thoughts! Please take a few minutes to complete the Landscaping and Water Conservation Survey below before October 20, 2022.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
    Consultation has concluded
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