Lower Park Avenue Improvement Project

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Consultation has concluded

August 2023 Project Update

Overview and Upcoming Utility and Geotechnical Investigation 

Park City will be upgrading utilities and reconstructing the road on Park Avenue from Empire Avenue to Heber Avenue. We have used the past few years to place options and gather feedback from the community regarding the final solution.

The city planners and engineers have taken the feedback from the efforts to outline objectives for the permanent design. A consultant team is on board to design the roadway, and investigative actions are planned for the coming weeks. From September 5 through October 30, geologists and surveyors will collect data to understand the pavement conditions better and identify the location of all utilities. Work will include:

  • Marking and flagging various utility lines,
  • Surveying utility markers, and
  • Geotechnical investigations, including drilling holes in the area.

Work will take place within the back of sidewalk limits. Some lane restrictions will allow for geotechnical work and crews to access manholes. If flags are placed near your property, please only relocate once notified by the project team. These flags mark the type and location of the different utility lines.

Once this information is collected, the engineers will better understand the constraints and plan to provide more information to the public about the design. Based on the comments received and available data, the team is working to further develop concepts.

Understanding the Community Needs – Community Survey Results 

After a community outreach effort in the fall of 2020, Park City implemented the first phase of its Park Avenue Improvements project to include bike lanes on lower Park Avenue. Park City implemented improvements in the spring of 2021. A community survey followed this effort in the fall of 2022. The City's Engineering, Community Engagement, and consultant teams gathered more information for the future of Lower Park Avenue. The project team presented a final report highlighting outreach efforts, key takeaways, and recommendations for future improvements to the City Council in early 2023. The results of the survey can be found here. 

Earlier this year, the road was resurfaced for maintenance and continues to provide a smoother surface. Cyclists and pedestrian pavement markings were incorporated into this maintenance project.


Community outreach efforts conducted from Fall 2020 through Fall 2022 assisted in informing the team about needs within the community. Design is underway, and construction is planned for 2024 and 2025.

For additional information about the project, please contact kim.clark@parkcity.org or by phone at 435-200-4670.

Descripción del proyecto

Park City estará mejorando los servicios públicos sobre Park Ave desde Empire Avenue a Heber Avenue y debido a las mejoras se requerirá reconstruir Park Avenue en este tramoTenemos la oportunidad de configurar la calle final, y necesitamos su opinión sobre cuál es la solución final. 

Siguiendo un alcance comunitario en otoño, 2020, Park City implemento un programa piloto al incluir carilles de bicicleta sharrow (carilles marcados como compartidos y con flechassobre Park Ave. Las mejoras se implementaron la primavera del 2021, y ahora que ha pasado un año, a la cuidad le gustaría comunicarse con la comunidad para determinar LO QUE FUNCIONA BIEN, Y LO QUE NO FUNCIONA BIEN sobre este corredor importante. 

En la próxima fase de alcanceestaremos recopilando comentarios de quienes frecuentan esta parte de Park Avenue, para que la cuidad pueda diseñar e implementar una solución a largo plazo que funcione mejor para la comunidad 

Datos de contacto: Lowerparkave@gmail.com 435-513-7371 

August 2023 Project Update

Overview and Upcoming Utility and Geotechnical Investigation 

Park City will be upgrading utilities and reconstructing the road on Park Avenue from Empire Avenue to Heber Avenue. We have used the past few years to place options and gather feedback from the community regarding the final solution.

The city planners and engineers have taken the feedback from the efforts to outline objectives for the permanent design. A consultant team is on board to design the roadway, and investigative actions are planned for the coming weeks. From September 5 through October 30, geologists and surveyors will collect data to understand the pavement conditions better and identify the location of all utilities. Work will include:

  • Marking and flagging various utility lines,
  • Surveying utility markers, and
  • Geotechnical investigations, including drilling holes in the area.

Work will take place within the back of sidewalk limits. Some lane restrictions will allow for geotechnical work and crews to access manholes. If flags are placed near your property, please only relocate once notified by the project team. These flags mark the type and location of the different utility lines.

Once this information is collected, the engineers will better understand the constraints and plan to provide more information to the public about the design. Based on the comments received and available data, the team is working to further develop concepts.

Understanding the Community Needs – Community Survey Results 

After a community outreach effort in the fall of 2020, Park City implemented the first phase of its Park Avenue Improvements project to include bike lanes on lower Park Avenue. Park City implemented improvements in the spring of 2021. A community survey followed this effort in the fall of 2022. The City's Engineering, Community Engagement, and consultant teams gathered more information for the future of Lower Park Avenue. The project team presented a final report highlighting outreach efforts, key takeaways, and recommendations for future improvements to the City Council in early 2023. The results of the survey can be found here. 

Earlier this year, the road was resurfaced for maintenance and continues to provide a smoother surface. Cyclists and pedestrian pavement markings were incorporated into this maintenance project.


Community outreach efforts conducted from Fall 2020 through Fall 2022 assisted in informing the team about needs within the community. Design is underway, and construction is planned for 2024 and 2025.

For additional information about the project, please contact kim.clark@parkcity.org or by phone at 435-200-4670.

Descripción del proyecto

Park City estará mejorando los servicios públicos sobre Park Ave desde Empire Avenue a Heber Avenue y debido a las mejoras se requerirá reconstruir Park Avenue en este tramoTenemos la oportunidad de configurar la calle final, y necesitamos su opinión sobre cuál es la solución final. 

Siguiendo un alcance comunitario en otoño, 2020, Park City implemento un programa piloto al incluir carilles de bicicleta sharrow (carilles marcados como compartidos y con flechassobre Park Ave. Las mejoras se implementaron la primavera del 2021, y ahora que ha pasado un año, a la cuidad le gustaría comunicarse con la comunidad para determinar LO QUE FUNCIONA BIEN, Y LO QUE NO FUNCIONA BIEN sobre este corredor importante. 

En la próxima fase de alcanceestaremos recopilando comentarios de quienes frecuentan esta parte de Park Avenue, para que la cuidad pueda diseñar e implementar una solución a largo plazo que funcione mejor para la comunidad 

Datos de contacto: Lowerparkave@gmail.com 435-513-7371